Project Wonder 2.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use ERXStatelessComponent

Uses of ERXStatelessComponent in er.directtoweb

Subclasses of ERXStatelessComponent in er.directtoweb
 class ERDDefaultSectionComponent
          Displays section name as a string.
 class ERDDefaultSectionComponentCSV
          Displays section name for CSV pages.
 class ERDDefaultSectionComponentPrinterFriendly
          Displays section name as a string for printer friendly version of the pages.
 class ERDEmptyPageWrapper
          Empty page wrapper component.

Uses of ERXStatelessComponent in er.excel

Subclasses of ERXStatelessComponent in er.excel
 class EGCell
          Class for Excel Component EGCell.
 class EGComponent
          Class for Excel Component EGComponent.
 class EGRow
          Class for Excel Component EGRow.
 class EGSheet
          Class for Excel Component EGSheet.
 class EGWorkbook
          EGWorkbook is the "page" for the excel generation.

Uses of ERXStatelessComponent in er.extensions

Subclasses of ERXStatelessComponent in er.extensions
 class ERXArrayChooser
          This is an effort to consolidate the WOToOneRelationship, WOToManyRelationship and descendant components.
 class ERXDebugTimer
          Displays stats on how long the various phases in the request-response loop took.
 class ERXDHTMLComponent
          ERXDHTMLComponent covers a textarea with a DHTMLEdit control (IE,PC only) It is pretty cool as it can be used as a replacement for WOText, since it works no matter is JS is enabled or not.
 class ERXDirectActionHyperlink
          This component can be used for two things:
1) Generating direct action urls for use in components that are being e-mailed to people. 2) Support for encoding enterprise objects in the form values of generated urls.
 class ERXDirectActionImage
          description forthcoming!
 class ERXEmptyComponent
          An empty component does not contain any html or wod.
 class ERXErrorDictionaryPanel
          Useful for displaying a dictionary of caught exception messages.
 class ERXFixedLengthString
          This stateless component is useful for displaying a string of a fixed length.
 class ERXGroupingRepetition
          Groups items into sections.For example: Employees belong to a department, you want to group on department.
 class ERXGroupingTable
          Table implementation of a grouping repetition.
 class ERXImage
 class ERXJSPopUpRelationPicker
          Very, very cool js component.
 class ERXJSValidationErrors
          Server side part of the JavaScript validation
 class ERXLinkRandomizer
          This simple stateless component adds a javascript function 'RandomizeLink' that will either add a dummy=0 or change the previous value of a dummy= parameter of a hyperlink.
 class ERXLocalizedString
          Examples: 1) value = "Localize me" -> the localized value of "Localize me" 2) keyPath = "componentName" (note that the path must be a String) -> localized name of the parent component 3) object = bug, an EO -> localized version of bug.userPresentableDescription (may or may not be useful) 4) object = bug, keyPath = "state" -> localized version of the bugs state 5) templateString = "You have @assignedBugs.count@ Bug(s) assigned to you", object = session.user -> localized template is evaluated Bindings:
 class ERXMonthView
          Class for Wonder Component ERXMonthView.
 class ERXNavigationMenu
          Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.
 class ERXNavigationMenuItem
          Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.
 class ERXOncePerRequestConditional
          ERXOncePerRequestConditional is a component that will render it's embedded content only once during the RR loop.
 class ERXOptionalForm
 class ERXRadioButtonMatrix
          Radio button list with lots of more options.
 class ERXStringHolder
          Use this to return a string from direct actions.
 class ERXStringWithLineBreaks
          Simple component that can convert a string that has line breaks and tabs in it into an html string that has
and   instead.
 class ERXTableWithBorder
          Allows turning the border on and off of a table.
 class ERXToManyRelationship
          description forthcoming!
 class ERXToOneRelationship
          Better layout options that the WOToOneRelationship, in addition you can set a qualifier on the dataSource if you passed any.
 class WOToManyRelationship
          Back port from WO 5 WOExtensions.
 class WOToOneRelationship
          Back port from WO 5 WOExtensions.

Last updated: Do, Dez 9, 2004 • 12:46 PM CET

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