Project Wonder 2.0

Package er.extensions

Interface Summary
ERXCloneableEnterpriseObject Interface for cloning enterprise objects.
ERXComponentActionRedirector.Restorable implemented by the pages that want to be restorable
ERXEOFLogEntryInterface Interface implemented by EnterpriseObjects to inialize with a logging event and optionally a layout.
ERXExceptionHolder The ExceptionHolder interface should be implemented by components that will collect validation exceptions.
ERXFuzzyMatchCleaner Interface used in conjunction with the fuzzy matching code found in ERXUtilities.
ERXGeneratesPrimaryKeyInterface Enterprise objects that need to generate their own primary keys should implement this interface.
ERXGracefulShutdown.GracefulApplication Interface to be implemented by the WOApplication subclass to gracefully handle termination.
ERXGuardedObjectInterface The guarded object interface is used as a way to ensure that objects that are not supposed to be deleted or updated don't accidently get deleted or updated.
ERXLongResponseTask Long response task interface and default implementation should take away the need to tie your long running task directly to a component like with WOLongReponsePage.
ERXMutableUserInfoHolderInterface Interface to implement generic mutable containers
ERXReplicableInterface To be implemented by objects which need to be copied into new objects the replicated relationships need to point towards replicable objects
ERXUtilities.BooleanCallback Generic boolean callback interface with a context object.
ERXUtilities.BooleanOperation Useful interface for binding objects to WOComponent bindings where you want to delay the evaluation of the boolean operation until valueForBinding is actually called.
ERXUtilities.Callback Generic callback interface with a context object.
ERXUtilities.Operation Useful interface for binding objects to WOComponent bindings where you want to delay the evaluation of the operation until valueForBinding is actually called.
ERXValidationFactory.ExceptionDelegateInterface Exception delegates can be used to provide hooks to customize how messages are generated for validation exceptions and how tempates are looked up.
ERXValidationFactory.FactoryInterface The validation factory interface.

Class Summary
EOEnterpriseObjectClazz Adds class-level inheritance to EOF.
ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate Tracks and logs the SQL that gets sent to the database.
ERXAnyField Class for Wonder Component ERXAnyField.
ERXApplication ERXApplication is the abstract superclass of WebObjects applications built with the ER frameworks.
ERXArrayChooser This is an effort to consolidate the WOToOneRelationship, WOToManyRelationship and descendant components.
ERXArrayUtilities Collection of NSArray utilities.
ERXAssert Provides flexible and powerful assertion.
ERXBasicBrowser ERXBasicBrowser is a concrete subclass of ERXBrowser that defines browser object.
ERXBatchingDisplayGroup Extends WODisplayGroup in order to provide real batching.
ERXBatchNavigationBar Better navigation bar
ERXBatchNavigationBarInForm Better navigation bar without a form.
ERXBetweenQualifier The between qualifier allows qualification on an attribute that is between two values.
ERXBrowser ERXBrowser is an abstract class that defines browser object.
ERXBrowserFactory All WebObjects applications have exactly one ERXBrowserFactory instance.
ERXCheckboxMatrix Works around a webscript bug.
ERXCloneableThreadLocal ERXClonableThreadLocal extends InheritableThreadLocal to bequeath a cloned copy of the parent object to the child thread.
ERXCollapsibleComponentContent Better collapsible component content.
ERXColoredTabPanel Tab panel with color backgrounds.
ERXCompilerProxy ERXCompilerProxy is a class that creates a rapid-turnaround mode for WebObjects 5 for Java similar to how you use WebScript with WO 4.5.1.
ERXComponentActionRedirector Allows you to develop your app using component actions while still providing bookmarkable URLs.
ERXComponentActionRedirector.Observer Observer class manages the responses cache by watching the session.
ERXConfigurationManager Configuration Manager handles rapid turnaround for system configuration as well as swizzling of the EOModel connection dictionaries.
ERXConstant Collection of base constants.
ERXCrypto Provides a nice wrapper around the blowfish cipher and the sha digest algorithms.
ERXCustomObject This class contains a bunch of extensions to the regular EOCustomObject class.
ERXCustomObject.ERXCustomObjectClazz Clazz object implementation for ERXCustomObject.
ERXDatabaseContextDelegate This delegate implements several methods from the formal interface EODatabaseContext.Delegate.
ERXDateGrouper Works much the same as a WODisplayGroup.
ERXDebugMarker Given an object displays a link to show information about the editing context of that object.
ERXDebugTimer Displays stats on how long the various phases in the request-response loop took.
ERXDefaultEditingContextDelegate Default editing context delegate.
ERXDHTMLComponent ERXDHTMLComponent covers a textarea with a DHTMLEdit control (IE,PC only) It is pretty cool as it can be used as a replacement for WOText, since it works no matter is JS is enabled or not.
ERXDictionaryUtilities Collection of NSDictionary utilities.
ERXDirectAction Basic collector for direct action additions.
ERXDirectActionHyperlink This component can be used for two things:
1) Generating direct action urls for use in components that are being e-mailed to people. 2) Support for encoding enterprise objects in the form values of generated urls.
ERXDirectActionImage description forthcoming!
ERXDirectActionRequestHandler Improved direct action request handler.
ERXDisplayDataAsString Displays a byte array of data as a String.
ERXEC Subclass that has every public method overridden to support automatic lock/unlock handling for you.
ERXEC.DefaultFactory Default implementation of the Factory interface.
ERXECNoValidationDelegate Exactly the same as ERXDefaultEditingContextDelegate, except validation has been disabled.
ERXEditingContextDelegate This delegate does nothing.
ERXEditingContextInspector Inspects an eo's editing context.
ERXEditURL Used to edit urls with a default value.
ERXEmptyComponent An empty component does not contain any html or wod.
ERXEntityClassDescription The main purpose of the ERXClassDescription class is to throw ERXValidationExceptions instead of the usual NSValidation.ValidationException objects.
ERXEntityClassDescription.Factory This factory inner class is registered as the observer for three notifications: modelWasAdded, classDescriptionNeededForEntity and classDescriptionNeededForClass.
ERXEOAccessUtilities Collection of EOAccess related utilities.
ERXEOControlUtilities Collection of EOF utility method centered around EOControl.
ERXEOFAppender Basic log4j EOF Appender
Very basic appender, useful for logging events to a database using EOF.
ERXEOToManyQualifier Deprecated. use ERXToManyQualifier instead
ERXEqualConditional Conditional component that compares two objects using the equals method.
ERXErrorDictionaryPanel Useful for displaying a dictionary of caught exception messages.
ERXEventRecordingDefaultHandler A concrete event recording handler object.
ERXExtensions Principal class of the ERExtensions framework.
ERXExtensions.Observer This public observer is used to perform basic functions in response to notifications.
ERXFakeRelationship UI and support methods to edit "relations" to objects flattened into a text field (e.g. languages = "-de-en-").
ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator The goal of the fetch specification batch iterator is to have the ability to iterate through a fetch specification that might fetch one million enterprise objects.
ERXFileNotificationCenter The file notification center is only used in developement systems.
ERXFileNotificationCenter._ObserverSelectorHolder Simple observer-selector holder class.
ERXFileUtilities Collection of handy {} utilities.
ERXFixedLengthString This stateless component is useful for displaying a string of a fixed length.
ERXFrameworkPrincipal Designated starter class for frameworks.
ERXGenericRecord This class contains a bunch of extensions to the regular EOGenericRecord class.
ERXGenericRecord.ERXGenericRecordClazz Clazz object implementation for ERXGenericRecord.
ERXGracefulShutdown Graceful shutdown adds signal handling support for gracefully terminating a WOApplication.
ERXGraph Nice component wrapper around GifPlot, just bind arrays and strings
ERXGraphUtilities Utility methods useful when using GifPlot.
ERXGroupingRepetition Groups items into sections.For example: Employees belong to a department, you want to group on department.
ERXGroupingTable Table implementation of a grouping repetition.
ERXHyperlink Enhancement to WOHyperlink.
ERXHyperlinkKeyValueSetter Sets a key value when the hyperlink is clicked.
ERXImageTabPanel Tab panel using images.
ERXInQualifier The ERXInQualifier is useful for creating qualifiers that will generate SQL using the 'IN' key word.
ERXInQualifier.InQualifierSQLGenerationSupport Adds SQL generation support.
ERXInstanceOfConditional Conditional component that tests if an object is an instance of a given class or interface
ERXJSAutoClosePage When returned will close the current page by calling onload=window.close().
ERXJSConfirmPanel Stateless implementation of JSConfirmPanel.
ERXJSCookiesConditional This component will display is content (as in WOComponentContent) if it detects cookies are disabled.
ERXJSFormForTarget Useful for creating a javascript window for a form submit.
ERXJSInputValidator Client side part of the JavaScript validation.
ERXJSOpenWindowHyperlink Given an action opens the action in a new window.
ERXJSOpenWindowSubmitButton Submit button to open a new window with an action.
ERXJSPopUpRelationPicker Very, very cool js component.
ERXJSPopupSelector Nice guy for performing actions when a popup item is selected.
ERXJSRemoteCall JavaScript remote execution.
ERXJSTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship Uses JSPopUpRelationPicker to edit a toOne relationship.
ERXJSValidationErrors Server side part of the JavaScript validation
ERXJSVariables Class for Wonder Component ERXJSVariables.
ERXKeyValueCodingUtilities Utilities for use with key value coding.
ERXKeyValuePair Very simple class used for hold key-value pairs.
ERXLinkRandomizer This simple stateless component adds a javascript function 'RandomizeLink' that will either add a dummy=0 or change the previous value of a dummy= parameter of a hyperlink.
ERXLinlyn Can upload and download files from ftp servers
ERXListContainsItemConditional Conditional component that tests if a given item is contained in an NSArray.
ERXListDisplay Useful for displaying a list of eos.
ERXLocalizedString Examples: 1) value = "Localize me" -> the localized value of "Localize me" 2) keyPath = "componentName" (note that the path must be a String) -> localized name of the parent component 3) object = bug, an EO -> localized version of bug.userPresentableDescription (may or may not be useful) 4) object = bug, keyPath = "state" -> localized version of the bugs state 5) templateString = "You have @assignedBugs.count@ Bug(s) assigned to you", object = session.user -> localized template is evaluated Bindings:
ERXLocalizer KVC access to localization.
ERXLog4JConfiguration Configures and manages the log4j logging system.
ERXLogger Custom subclass of Logger.
ERXLogger.Factory LoggerFactory subclass that creates ERXLogger objects instead of the default Logger classes.
ERXLongResponse ERXLongResponse is like WOLongResponsePage from JavaWOExtensions, but it can be used as a component and doesn't need to be subclassed.
ERXMacBinarySwissArmyKnife Useful for extracting files from binhexed files, ie when a Mac user uploads a file.
ERXMailAppender Basic log4j Mail Message Appender
Used for logging log events that will eventually be emailed out.
ERXMailTo Component that generates a mailto href of the form: ""
email email to generate href
ERXMandatoryFieldMarker Displays a mandatory field marker.
ERXMessageEncoding Holds encoding related settings and methods for WOMessage and its subclasses WORequest and WOResponse.
ERXModelGroup The reason that this model group is needed is because the regular EOModelGroup will fail to load a model if it has an entity name conflict.
ERXMonthView Class for Wonder Component ERXMonthView.
ERXMultiKey Simple class to use multiple objects as a single key for a dictionary or HashMap.
ERXMutableArray Custom subclass of NSMutableArray.
ERXMutableDictionary usefull class in to automatically en- and decode an NSMutableDictionary as blob into a database.
ERXMutableInteger ERXMutableInteger is like Integer but mutable, to avoid the excess object creation involved in i = new Integer(i.getInt() + 1) which can get expensive if done a lot.
ERXNavigation Not very generic right now, but will be in the future.
ERXNavigationComponent Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.
ERXNavigationItem Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.
ERXNavigationManager Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.
ERXNavigationMenu Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.
ERXNavigationMenuItem Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.
ERXNavigationState Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components.
ERXNonNullConditional Conditional component that tests if a given object is null.
ERXNonPluralFormLocalizer ERXNonPluralFormLocalizer is a subclass of ERXLocalizer.
ERXNonSychronizingComponent Deprecated. use ERXNonSynchronizingComponent instead
ERXNonSynchronizingComponent Abstract non-synchronizing component used as the super class for a number of components within the ER frameworks.
ERXNonZeroConditional Conditional component that tests if a given Number object is non-zero.
ERXNSPrintWriterLogger ERXNSPrintWriterLogger is an alternative of NSLog.PrintStreamLogger but accepts character oriented PrintWriter instead of byte oriented PrintStream so that the character encoding for logging can be explicitly set.
ERXNumberFormatter An extension to the number formatter.
ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool This class implements EOF stack pooling including EOF stack synchronizing.
ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool.MultiOSCFactory This class uses different EOF stack when creating new EOEditingContexts.
ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorSynchronizer Synchronizes different EOF stacks inside an instance.
ERXOncePerRequestConditional ERXOncePerRequestConditional is a component that will render it's embedded content only once during the RR loop.
ERXOptionalForm Synopsis:
ERXPatcher Wrapper around the WO-private NSUtilities which allows for some Objective-C-Style poseAs.
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches This class holds patches for WebObjects dynamic elements, which have always a closing tag and all attribute values are enclosed in quotes.
ERXPathDirectAction Utility direct action class that provides a bunch of nice utility methods if the direct action is accessed via a path direct action.
ERXPathDirectActionRequestHandler The path direct action request handler allows for storing information in the request path.
ERXPatternLayout The ERXPatternLayout adds some additional (and needed) layout options.
ERXPluralString Given a count and a string pluralizes the string if count > 1.
ERXPrimaryKeyListQualifier The primary key list qualifier is used to generate a qualifier that can be used to filter a result set for a given set of primary keys.
ERXPrimaryKeyListQualifier.KeyValueQualifierSQLGenerationSupport Support class that listens for EOKeyValueQualifiers that have an isContainedInArray-selector and replaces these with the ERXPrimaryKeyListQualifier.
ERXProperties Collection of simple utility methods used to get and set properties in the system properties.
ERXQualifierInSubquery Generates a subquery for the qualifier given in argument ...
ERXQueryRecentDates Nice for adjusting the query specs for dates on a display group.
ERXRadioButtonMatrix Radio button list with lots of more options.
ERXRepeatingTable Useful when given a list of n items and you want to display m keys.
ERXRequest Subclass of WORequest that fixes several Bugs.
ERXRetainer Used as a generic way to retain a reference to an object so that it will not be collected by the garbage collector.
ERXSession The ERXSession aguments the regular WOSession object by adding a few nice additions.
ERXSession.Observer The Observer inner class encapsulates functions to handle various notifications.
ERXSharedEOLoader Java port of Kelly Hawk's shared EO loader.
ERXSimpleHTMLFormatter This is a simple class for converting ASCII strings to HTML and vice versa.
ERXSimpleTemplateParser Very simple template parser.
ERXSingleButton A stand alone submit button to be used as an action button.
ERXSortOrder Better sort order changer.
ERXStatelessComponent Abstract stateless component used as the super class for a number of components within the ER frameworks.
ERXStringHolder Use this to return a string from direct actions.
ERXStringListPicker Useful for picking a String from a list.
ERXStringUtilities Collection of String utilities.
ERXStringWithLineBreaks Simple component that can convert a string that has line breaks and tabs in it into an html string that has
and   instead.
ERXStyleSheet Simple stateless component used for adding a style sheet and/or a favicon link to a page.
ERXSuccess "Success" string
ERXTable Enhanced table component that adds the ability to have the table layed out in a vertical orientation and adds the ability to specify an array of header images that appear in the header cells of the table.
ERXTableWithBorder Allows turning the border on and off of a table.
ERXTabPanel Better tab panel.
ERXThreadStorage ERXThreadStorage provides a way to store objects for a particular thread.
ERXTimestampFormatter Provides localization to timestamp formatters.
ERXTimestampUtilities Collection of NSTimestamp utilities.
ERXTimestampUtility A simle utility for providing deprecated functionality for NSTimestamps
ERXTolerantSaver This class is pulled directly out of David Neumann's ChangeNotification framework.
ERXToManyQualifier Optimized toMany qualifier, much, much better SQL than the Apple provided qualifier.
ERXToManyQualifier.ToManyQualifierSQLGenerationSupport Adds SQL generation support.
ERXToManyRelationship description forthcoming!
ERXToOneRelationship Better layout options that the WOToOneRelationship, in addition you can set a qualifier on the dataSource if you passed any.
ERXUnitAwareDecimalFormat ERXUnitAwareDecimalFormat extends DecimalFormat to add an automatic unit conversion feature for the given unit.
ERXUnitAwareDecimalFormat.UnitPrefix UnitPrefix is an inner class
ERXUnreadMarker Nice for denoting that something has not been viewed.
ERXUtilities Diverse collection of utility methods for handling everything from EOF to foundation.
ERXValidation This is more of a legacy object that was used until we had ERXValidationFactory in place.
ERXValidationFactory The validation factory controls creating validation exceptions, both from model thrown exceptions and custom validation exceptions.
ERXValueUtilities ERXValueUtilities has usefull conversion methods for reading and transforming boolean, int and floatvalues.
ERXWOContext Replacement of WOContext.
ERXWOFileUpload Provides better error checking.
ERXWOForm Transparent replacement for WOForm.
ERXWORepetition Replacement for WORepetition.
ERXWOResponseCache The response cache is a way to cache WOResponse output from a DirectAction for a given set of cache keys.
ERXWOServletContext Replacement of WOServletContext.
ERXWOString Reimplementation of WOString that can resolve localized format strings.
ERXWOText Patch for WOText to not include the value attribute.
ERXWOTextField Replacement for WOTextField.
WOCollapsibleComponentContent (Back port from WO 5 WOExtensions)
WOSortOrder (Back port from WO 5 WOExtensions)
WOTable (Back port from WO 5 WOExtensions)
WOToManyRelationship Back port from WO 5 WOExtensions.
WOToOneRelationship Back port from WO 5 WOExtensions.

Exception Summary
ERXValidationException ERXValidationExceptions extends the regular NSValidation.ValidationException to add template based resolution of the validation exception.

Last updated: Do, Dez 9, 2004 • 12:46 PM CET

Copyright © 2002 – 2004 Project Wonder.