Project Wonder 2.0 | ||||||||||
Interface Summary | |
ERXAssert.FailureHandler | |
ERXCloneableEnterpriseObject | Interface for cloning enterprise objects. |
ERXComponentActionRedirector.Restorable | implemented by the pages that want to be restorable |
ERXCrypterInterface | |
ERXDebugMarker.DebugPageProvider | |
ERXEC.Factory | |
ERXEntityClassDescription.Default | |
ERXEOFLogEntryInterface | Interface implemented by EnterpriseObjects to inialize with a logging event and optionally a layout. |
ERXExceptionHolder | The ExceptionHolder interface should be implemented by components that will collect validation exceptions. |
ERXFuzzyMatchCleaner | Interface used in conjunction with the fuzzy matching
code found in ERXUtilities . |
ERXGeneratesPrimaryKeyInterface | Enterprise objects that need to generate their own primary keys should implement this interface. |
ERXGracefulShutdown.GracefulApplication | Interface to be implemented by the WOApplication subclass to gracefully handle termination. |
ERXGuardedObjectInterface | The guarded object interface is used as a way to ensure that objects that are not supposed to be deleted or updated don't accidently get deleted or updated. |
ERXLongResponseTask | Long response task interface and default implementation should take away the need to tie your long running task directly to a component like with WOLongReponsePage. |
ERXMutableUserInfoHolderInterface | Interface to implement generic mutable containers |
ERXReplicableInterface | To be implemented by objects which need to be copied into new objects the replicated relationships need to point towards replicable objects |
ERXUtilities.BooleanCallback | Generic boolean callback interface with a context object. |
ERXUtilities.BooleanOperation | Useful interface for binding objects to
WOComponent bindings where you want to
delay the evaluation of the boolean operation
until valueForBinding is
actually called. |
ERXUtilities.Callback | Generic callback interface with a context object. |
ERXUtilities.Operation | Useful interface for binding objects to
WOComponent bindings where you want to
delay the evaluation of the operation
until valueForBinding is
actually called. |
ERXValidationFactory.ExceptionDelegateInterface | Exception delegates can be used to provide hooks to customize how messages are generated for validation exceptions and how tempates are looked up. |
ERXValidationFactory.FactoryInterface | The validation factory interface. |
ERXWOResponseCache.Cacheable | |
ERXWOResponseCache.Policy |
Class Summary | |
EOEnterpriseObjectClazz | Adds class-level inheritance to EOF. |
ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate | Tracks and logs the SQL that gets sent to the database. |
ERXAnyField | Class for Wonder Component ERXAnyField. |
ERXApplication | ERXApplication is the abstract superclass of WebObjects applications built with the ER frameworks. |
ERXArrayChooser | This is an effort to consolidate the WOToOneRelationship, WOToManyRelationship and descendant components. |
ERXArrayUtilities | Collection of NSArray utilities. |
ERXAssert | Provides flexible and powerful assertion. |
ERXAssert.EmptyHandler | |
ERXAssert.IllegalArgumentHandler | |
ERXAssert.IllegalStateHandler | |
ERXAssert.LoggingHandler | |
ERXAssert.ThrowingHandler | |
ERXBasicBrowser | ERXBasicBrowser is a concrete subclass of ERXBrowser
that defines browser object. |
ERXBatchingDisplayGroup | Extends WODisplayGroup in order to provide real batching.
ERXBatchNavigationBar | Better navigation bar |
ERXBatchNavigationBarInForm | Better navigation bar without a form. |
ERXBetweenQualifier | The between qualifier allows qualification on an attribute that is between two values. |
ERXBetweenQualifier.BetweenQualifierSQLGenerationSupport | |
ERXBrowser | ERXBrowser is an abstract class that defines browser object. |
ERXBrowserFactory | All WebObjects applications have exactly one ERXBrowserFactory
instance. |
ERXCheckboxMatrix | Works around a webscript bug. |
ERXCloneableThreadLocal | ERXClonableThreadLocal extends InheritableThreadLocal
to bequeath a cloned copy of the parent object to the child thread. |
ERXCollapsibleComponentContent | Better collapsible component content. |
ERXColoredTabPanel | Tab panel with color backgrounds. |
ERXCompilerProxy | ERXCompilerProxy is a class that creates a rapid-turnaround mode for WebObjects 5 for Java similar to how you use WebScript with WO 4.5.1. |
ERXComponentActionRedirector | Allows you to develop your app using component actions while still providing bookmarkable URLs. |
ERXComponentActionRedirector.Observer | Observer class manages the responses cache by watching the session. |
ERXCompressionUtilities | |
ERXConfigurationManager | Configuration Manager handles rapid turnaround for
system configuration as well as swizzling of the EOModel connection
ERXConstant | Collection of base constants. |
ERXCrypto | Provides a nice wrapper around the blowfish cipher and the sha digest algorithms. |
ERXCustomObject | This class contains a bunch of extensions to the
regular EOCustomObject class. |
ERXCustomObject.ERXCustomObjectClazz | Clazz object implementation for ERXCustomObject. |
ERXDatabaseContextDelegate | This delegate implements several methods from the formal interface
EODatabaseContext.Delegate .
ERXDatabaseDataSource | |
ERXDateGrouper | Works much the same as a WODisplayGroup .
ERXDebugMarker | Given an object displays a link to show information about the editing context of that object. |
ERXDebugTimer | Displays stats on how long the various phases in the request-response loop took. |
ERXDefaultEditingContextDelegate | Default editing context delegate. |
ERXDHTMLComponent | ERXDHTMLComponent covers a textarea with a DHTMLEdit control (IE,PC only) It is pretty cool as it can be used as a replacement for WOText, since it works no matter is JS is enabled or not. |
ERXDictionaryUtilities | Collection of NSDictionary utilities. |
ERXDirectAction | Basic collector for direct action additions. |
ERXDirectActionHyperlink | This component can be used for two things: 1) Generating direct action urls for use in components that are being e-mailed to people. 2) Support for encoding enterprise objects in the form values of generated urls. |
ERXDirectActionImage | description forthcoming! |
ERXDirectActionRequestHandler | Improved direct action request handler. |
ERXDisplayDataAsString | Displays a byte array of data as a String. |
ERXDividingNumberFormatter | |
ERXEC | Subclass that has every public method overridden to support automatic lock/unlock handling for you. |
ERXEC.DefaultFactory | Default implementation of the Factory interface. |
ERXECNoValidationDelegate | Exactly the same as ERXDefaultEditingContextDelegate ,
except validation has been disabled. |
ERXEditDateJavascript | |
ERXEditingContextDelegate | This delegate does nothing. |
ERXEditingContextInspector | Inspects an eo's editing context. |
ERXEditURL | Used to edit urls with a default value. |
ERXEmptyComponent | An empty component does not contain any html or wod. |
ERXEntityClassDescription | The main purpose of the ERXClassDescription class is
to throw ERXValidationException s instead of the
usual NSValidation.ValidationException objects. |
ERXEntityClassDescription.AttributeDefault | |
ERXEntityClassDescription.Factory | This factory inner class is registered as the observer for three notifications: modelWasAdded, classDescriptionNeededForEntity and classDescriptionNeededForClass. |
ERXEntityClassDescription.QualiferValidation | |
ERXEntityClassDescription.RelationshipDefault | |
ERXEntityClassDescription.ValidationObjectValue | |
ERXEOAccessUtilities | Collection of EOAccess related utilities. |
ERXEOControlUtilities | Collection of EOF utility method centered around EOControl. |
ERXEOEncodingUtilities | |
ERXEOFAppender | Basic log4j EOF Appender Very basic appender, useful for logging events to a database using EOF. |
ERXEOToManyQualifier | Deprecated. use ERXToManyQualifier instead |
ERXEqualConditional | Conditional component that compares two objects using the equals method. |
ERXErrorDictionaryPanel | Useful for displaying a dictionary of caught exception messages. |
ERXEventRecordingDefaultHandler | A concrete event recording handler object. |
ERXExtensions | Principal class of the ERExtensions framework. |
ERXExtensions.Observer | This public observer is used to perform basic functions in response to notifications. |
ERXFakeRelationship | UI and support methods to edit "relations" to objects flattened into a text field (e.g. languages = "-de-en-"). |
ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator | The goal of the fetch specification batch iterator is to have the ability to iterate through a fetch specification that might fetch one million enterprise objects. |
ERXFile | |
ERXFileNotificationCenter | The file notification center is only used in developement systems. |
ERXFileNotificationCenter._ObserverSelectorHolder | Simple observer-selector holder class. |
ERXFileUtilities | Collection of handy {java.io.File} utilities. |
ERXFixedLengthString | This stateless component is useful for displaying a string of a fixed length. |
ERXFormatterFactory | |
ERXFrameworkPrincipal | Designated starter class for frameworks. |
ERXGenericRecord | This class contains a bunch of extensions to the
regular EOGenericRecord class. |
ERXGenericRecord.ERXGenericRecordClazz | Clazz object implementation for ERXGenericRecord. |
ERXGracefulShutdown | Graceful shutdown adds signal handling support for gracefully terminating a WOApplication. |
ERXGraph | Nice component wrapper around GifPlot, just bind arrays and strings |
ERXGraphUtilities | Utility methods useful when using GifPlot. |
ERXGroupingRepetition | Groups items into sections.For example: Employees belong to a department, you want to group on department. |
ERXGroupingTable | Table implementation of a grouping repetition. |
ERXHyperlink | Enhancement to WOHyperlink. |
ERXHyperlinkKeyValueSetter | Sets a key value when the hyperlink is clicked. |
ERXImage | |
ERXImageTabPanel | Tab panel using images. |
ERXInQualifier | The ERXInQualifier is useful for creating qualifiers that will generate SQL using the 'IN' key word. |
ERXInQualifier.InQualifierSQLGenerationSupport | Adds SQL generation support. |
ERXInstanceOfConditional | Conditional component that tests if an object is an instance of a given
class or interface
Synopsis: object=anObject;className=aClassName2;[negate=aBoolean;] |
ERXJDBCUtilities | |
ERXJSAutoClosePage | When returned will close the current page by calling onload=window.close() .
ERXJSConfirmPanel | Stateless implementation of JSConfirmPanel. |
ERXJSCookiesConditional | This component will display is content (as in WOComponentContent) if it detects cookies are disabled. |
ERXJSFormForTarget | Useful for creating a javascript window for a form submit. |
ERXJSInputValidator | Client side part of the JavaScript validation. |
ERXJSInputValidator.Action | |
ERXJSOpenWindowHyperlink | Given an action opens the action in a new window. |
ERXJSOpenWindowSubmitButton | Submit button to open a new window with an action. |
ERXJSPopUpRelationPicker | Very, very cool js component. |
ERXJSPopupSelector | Nice guy for performing actions when a popup item is selected. |
ERXJSRemoteCall | JavaScript remote execution. |
ERXJSTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship | Uses JSPopUpRelationPicker to edit a toOne relationship. |
ERXJSValidationErrors | Server side part of the JavaScript validation |
ERXJSVariables | Class for Wonder Component ERXJSVariables. |
ERXKeyValueCodingUtilities | Utilities for use with key value coding. |
ERXKeyValuePair | Very simple class used for hold key-value pairs. |
ERXLinkRandomizer | This simple stateless component adds a javascript function
'RandomizeLink' that will either add a dummy=0 or
change the previous value of a dummy= |
ERXLinlyn | Can upload and download files from ftp servers |
ERXListContainsItemConditional | Conditional component that tests if a given item is contained
in an NSArray .
ERXListDisplay | Useful for displaying a list of eos. |
ERXLocalizedString | Examples: 1) value = "Localize me" -> the localized value of "Localize me" 2) keyPath = "componentName" (note that the path must be a String) -> localized name of the parent component 3) object = bug, an EO -> localized version of bug.userPresentableDescription (may or may not be useful) 4) object = bug, keyPath = "state" -> localized version of the bugs state 5) templateString = "You have @assignedBugs.count@ Bug(s) assigned to you", object = session.user -> localized template is evaluated Bindings: |
ERXLocalizer | KVC access to localization. |
ERXLocalizer.Observer | |
ERXLog4JConfiguration | Configures and manages the log4j logging system. |
ERXLogger | Custom subclass of Logger. |
ERXLogger.Factory | LoggerFactory subclass that creates ERXLogger objects instead of the default Logger classes. |
ERXLongResponse | ERXLongResponse is like WOLongResponsePage from JavaWOExtensions, but it can be used as a component and doesn't need to be subclassed. |
ERXLongResponseTask.DefaultImplementation | |
ERXMacBinarySwissArmyKnife | Useful for extracting files from binhexed files, ie when a Mac user uploads a file. |
ERXMailAppender | Basic log4j Mail Message Appender Used for logging log events that will eventually be emailed out. |
ERXMailTo | Component that generates a mailto href of the form: "foo@bar.com"
Synopsis: email=anEmail; Bindings: email email to generate href |
ERXMandatoryFieldMarker | Displays a mandatory field marker. |
ERXMessageEncoding | Holds encoding related settings and methods for WOMessage
and its subclasses WORequest and WOResponse . |
ERXModelGroup | The reason that this model group is needed is because the regular EOModelGroup will fail to load a model if it has an entity name conflict. |
ERXMonthView | Class for Wonder Component ERXMonthView. |
ERXMultiKey | Simple class to use multiple objects as a single key for a dictionary or HashMap. |
ERXMultiplyingNumberFormatter | |
ERXMutableArray | Custom subclass of NSMutableArray. |
ERXMutableDictionary | usefull class in to automatically en- and decode an NSMutableDictionary as blob into a database. |
ERXMutableInteger | ERXMutableInteger is like Integer
but mutable, to avoid the excess object creation involved in
i = new Integer(i.getInt() + 1)
which can get expensive if done a lot.
ERXNavigation | Not very generic right now, but will be in the future. |
ERXNavigationComponent | Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components. |
ERXNavigationItem | Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components. |
ERXNavigationManager | Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components. |
ERXNavigationMenu | Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components. |
ERXNavigationMenuItem | Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components. |
ERXNavigationState | Please read "Documentation/Navigation.html" to fnd out how to use the navigation components. |
ERXNonNullConditional | Conditional component that tests if a given object is null. |
ERXNonPluralFormLocalizer | ERXNonPluralFormLocalizer is a subclass of ERXLocalizer . |
ERXNonSychronizingComponent | Deprecated. use ERXNonSynchronizingComponent instead |
ERXNonSynchronizingComponent | Abstract non-synchronizing component used as the super class for a number of components within the ER frameworks. |
ERXNonZeroConditional | Conditional component that tests if a given Number object is non-zero. |
ERXNSLogLog4jBridge | |
ERXNSPrintWriterLogger | ERXNSPrintWriterLogger is an alternative of
but accepts character oriented PrintWriter instead of
byte oriented PrintStream
so that the character encoding for logging can be
explicitly set.
ERXNumberFormatter | An extension to the number formatter. |
ERXObjectStoreCoordinator | |
ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool | This class implements EOF stack pooling including EOF stack synchronizing. |
ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool.MultiOSCFactory | This class uses different EOF stack when creating new EOEditingContexts. |
ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorSynchronizer | Synchronizes different EOF stacks inside an instance. |
ERXOncePerRequestConditional | ERXOncePerRequestConditional is a component that will render it's embedded content only once during the RR loop. |
ERXOptionalForm | Synopsis: |
ERXPatcher | Wrapper around the WO-private NSUtilities which allows for some Objective-C-Style poseAs. |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches | This class holds patches for WebObjects dynamic elements, which have always a closing tag and all attribute values are enclosed in quotes. |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.ActiveImage | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.Browser | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.CheckBox | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.CheckBoxList | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.FileUpload | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.GenericContainer | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.GenericElement | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.HiddenField | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.Image | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.ImageButton | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.PasswordField | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.PopUpButton | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.RadioButton | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.RadioButtonList | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.ResetButton | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.SubmitButton | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.Text | |
ERXPatcher.DynamicElementsPatches.TextField | |
ERXPatcher.Entity | |
ERXPatcher.EntityTable | |
ERXPathDirectAction | Utility direct action class that provides a bunch of nice utility methods if the direct action is accessed via a path direct action. |
ERXPathDirectActionRequestHandler | The path direct action request handler allows for storing information in the request path. |
ERXPatternLayout | The ERXPatternLayout adds some additional (and needed) layout options. |
ERXPluralString | Given a count and a string pluralizes the string if count > 1. |
ERXPrimaryKeyListQualifier | The primary key list qualifier is used to generate a qualifier that can be used to filter a result set for a given set of primary keys. |
ERXPrimaryKeyListQualifier.KeyValueQualifierSQLGenerationSupport | Support class that listens for EOKeyValueQualifiers that have an isContainedInArray -selector and replaces these
with the ERXPrimaryKeyListQualifier. |
ERXProperties | Collection of simple utility methods used to get and set properties in the system properties. |
ERXQualifierInSubquery | Generates a subquery for the qualifier given in argument ... |
ERXQueryRecentDates | Nice for adjusting the query specs for dates on a display group. |
ERXRadioButtonMatrix | Radio button list with lots of more options. |
ERXRecursiveBatchFetching | |
ERXRepeatingTable | Useful when given a list of n items and you want to display m keys. |
ERXRequest | Subclass of WORequest that fixes several Bugs. |
ERXRetainer | Used as a generic way to retain a reference to an object so that it will not be collected by the garbage collector. |
ERXRuntimeUtilities | |
ERXRuntimeUtilities.Result | |
ERXSession | The ERXSession aguments the regular WOSession object by adding a few nice additions. |
ERXSession.Observer | The Observer inner class encapsulates functions to handle various notifications. |
ERXSharedEOLoader | Java port of Kelly Hawk's shared EO loader. |
ERXSimpleHTMLFormatter | This is a simple class for converting ASCII strings to HTML and vice versa. |
ERXSimpleTemplateParser | Very simple template parser. |
ERXSingleButton | A stand alone submit button to be used as an action button. |
ERXSortOrder | Better sort order changer. |
ERXStatelessComponent | Abstract stateless component used as the super class for a number of components within the ER frameworks. |
ERXStringHolder | Use this to return a string from direct actions. |
ERXStringListPicker | Useful for picking a String from a list. |
ERXStringUtilities | Collection of String utilities. |
ERXStringWithLineBreaks | Simple component that can convert a string that has
line breaks and tabs in it into an html string that
has and   instead. |
ERXStyleSheet | Simple stateless component used for adding a style sheet and/or a favicon link to a page. |
ERXSuccess | "Success" string |
ERXSystem | |
ERXTable | Enhanced table component that adds the ability to have the table layed out in a vertical orientation and adds the ability to specify an array of header images that appear in the header cells of the table. |
ERXTableWithBorder | Allows turning the border on and off of a table. |
ERXTabPanel | Better tab panel. |
ERXThreadStorage | ERXThreadStorage provides a way to store objects for
a particular thread. |
ERXTimestampFormatter | Provides localization to timestamp formatters. |
ERXTimestampUtilities | Collection of NSTimestamp utilities. |
ERXTimestampUtility | A simle utility for providing deprecated functionality for NSTimestamps |
ERXTolerantSaver | This class is pulled directly out of David Neumann's ChangeNotification framework. |
ERXToManyQualifier | Optimized toMany qualifier, much, much better SQL than the Apple provided qualifier. |
ERXToManyQualifier.ToManyQualifierSQLGenerationSupport | Adds SQL generation support. |
ERXToManyRelationship | description forthcoming! |
ERXToOneRelationship | Better layout options that the WOToOneRelationship , in addition you can set a
qualifier on the dataSource if you passed any. |
ERXUnitAwareDecimalFormat | ERXUnitAwareDecimalFormat extends DecimalFormat
to add an automatic unit conversion feature for
the given unit. |
ERXUnitAwareDecimalFormat.UnitPrefix | UnitPrefix is an inner class |
ERXUnreadMarker | Nice for denoting that something has not been viewed. |
ERXUtilities | Diverse collection of utility methods for handling everything from EOF to foundation. |
ERXValidation | This is more of a legacy object that was used until
we had ERXValidationFactory in place.
ERXValidationFactory | The validation factory controls creating validation exceptions, both from model thrown exceptions and custom validation exceptions. |
ERXValueUtilities | ERXValueUtilities has usefull conversion methods for
reading and transforming boolean ,
int and float values.
ERXWOContext | Replacement of WOContext. |
ERXWOFileUpload | Provides better error checking. |
ERXWOForm | Transparent replacement for WOForm. |
ERXWOInput | |
ERXWORepetition | Replacement for WORepetition. |
ERXWOResponseCache | The response cache is a way to cache WOResponse output from a DirectAction for a given set of cache keys. |
ERXWOResponseCacheKeyPolicy | |
ERXWOResponseCacheKeyPolicy.PolicyCacheEntry | |
ERXWOServletContext | Replacement of WOServletContext. |
ERXWOString | Reimplementation of WOString that can resolve localized format strings. |
ERXWOText | Patch for WOText to not include the value attribute.
ERXWOTextField | Replacement for WOTextField. |
WOCollapsibleComponentContent | (Back port from WO 5 WOExtensions) |
WOSortOrder | (Back port from WO 5 WOExtensions) |
WOTable | (Back port from WO 5 WOExtensions) |
WOToManyRelationship | Back port from WO 5 WOExtensions. |
WOToOneRelationship | Back port from WO 5 WOExtensions. |
Exception Summary | |
ERXValidationException | ERXValidationExceptions extends the regular
to add template based resolution of the validation exception. |
Last updated: Do, Dez 9, 2004 12:46 PM CET | ||||||||||