Project Wonder 2.0

Class ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator

  extended byer.extensions.ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator

public class ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator
extends Object

The goal of the fetch specification batch iterator is to have the ability to iterate through a fetch specification that might fetch one million enterprise objects. Fetching all of the objects into a singel editing context is prohibitive in the amount of memory needed and in the time taken to process all of the rows. The iterator allows one to iterate through the fetched objects only hydrating those objects need in small bite size pieces. The iterator also allows you to swap out editing contexts between calls to nextBatch, which will allow the garbage collector to collect the old editing context and the previous batch of enterprise objects.

Field Summary
protected  int batchSize
          holds the selected batch size
protected  int currentBatchIndex
          holds the current batch index
protected  int currentObjectFetchCount
          holds the number of objects fetched
static int DefaultBatchSize
          holds the default batch size, any bigger than this an Oracle has a fit
protected  EOEditingContext editingContext
          holds a reference to the selected editing context
protected  EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification
          holds a reference to the fetch spec to iterate over
static ERXLogger log
          logging support
protected  NSArray primaryKeys
          holds an array of primary key values to iterate through
Constructor Summary
ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecication)
          Constructs a fetch specification iterator for a given fetch specification with the default batch size.
ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, EOEditingContext ec)
          Constructs a fetch specification iterator for a given fetch specification with the default batch size.
ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, EOEditingContext ec, int batchSize)
          Constructs a fetch specification iterator for a given fetch specification and a batch size.
ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, NSArray pkeys, EOEditingContext ec, int batchSize)
          Constructs a fetch specification iterator for a fetch specification, an optional set of pre-fetched primary keys and a batch size.
Method Summary
 int batchCount()
          Gets the number of batches for a given iterator.
 int batchSize()
          Gets the batch size.
 int currentBatchIndex()
          Gets the current batch index.
 int currentObjectFetchCount()
          Gets the current number of objects fetched thus far.
 EOEditingContext editingContext()
          Gets the currently set editing context.
protected  void fetchPrimaryKeys()
          Method used to fetch the primary keys of the objects for the given fetch specification.
protected  boolean hasFetchedPrimaryKeys()
          Determines if the primary keys have been fetched yet for the given fetch specification.
 boolean hasNextBatch()
          Determines if the iterator has another batch.
 NSArray nextBatch()
          Gets the next batch of enterprise objects for the given fetch specification.
 void reset()
          Resets the batch iterator so it will refetch it's primary keys again.
 void setBatchSize(int batchSize)
          Sets the batch size.
 void setEditingContext(EOEditingContext ec)
          Sets the editing context used to fetch objects against.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DefaultBatchSize
holds the default batch size, any bigger than this an Oracle has a fit

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final ERXLogger log
logging support


protected int batchSize
holds the selected batch size


protected EOEditingContext editingContext
holds a reference to the selected editing context


protected EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification
holds a reference to the fetch spec to iterate over


protected NSArray primaryKeys
holds an array of primary key values to iterate through


protected int currentBatchIndex
holds the current batch index


protected int currentObjectFetchCount
holds the number of objects fetched

Constructor Detail


public ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecication)
Constructs a fetch specification iterator for a given fetch specification with the default batch size. Note you will have to set an editingContext on the iterator before calling the nextBatch method.

fetchSpecication - to iterate through


public ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification,
                                          EOEditingContext ec)
Constructs a fetch specification iterator for a given fetch specification with the default batch size. All objects will be fetched from the given editing context. Note that you can switch out different editing contexts between calls to nextBatch

ec - editing context to fetch against


public ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification,
                                          EOEditingContext ec,
                                          int batchSize)
Constructs a fetch specification iterator for a given fetch specification and a batch size. All objects will be fetched from the given editing context. Note that you can switch out different editing contexts between calls to nextBatch

ec - editing context to fetch against
batchSize - number of objects to fetch in a given batch


public ERXFetchSpecificationBatchIterator(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification,
                                          NSArray pkeys,
                                          EOEditingContext ec,
                                          int batchSize)
Constructs a fetch specification iterator for a fetch specification, an optional set of pre-fetched primary keys and a batch size. All objects will be fetched from the given editing context. Note that you can switch out different editing contexts between calls to nextBatch

pkeys - primary keys to iterate through
ec - editing context to fetch against
batchSize - number of objects to fetch in a given batch
Method Detail


public int batchSize()
Gets the batch size.

number of enterprise objects to fetch a batch.


public int currentBatchIndex()
Gets the current batch index.

number of batches fetched thus far


public int batchCount()
Gets the number of batches for a given iterator.

number of objects / batch size rounded up


public int currentObjectFetchCount()
Gets the current number of objects fetched thus far.

current number of objects fetched.


public void setBatchSize(int batchSize)
Sets the batch size.

batchSize - to be set.


public EOEditingContext editingContext()
Gets the currently set editing context.

editing context used to fetch against


public void setEditingContext(EOEditingContext ec)
Sets the editing context used to fetch objects against. It is perfectly fine to change editing contexts between fetching the next batch.

ec - editing context used to fetch against


public boolean hasNextBatch()
Determines if the iterator has another batch.

if calling nextBatch will have any effect


public NSArray nextBatch()
Gets the next batch of enterprise objects for the given fetch specification. Note that the editing context that is set will be used to fetch against. You can swap out a different editing context before calling this method to reduce memory consumption.


protected boolean hasFetchedPrimaryKeys()
Determines if the primary keys have been fetched yet for the given fetch specification.

if the primary keys array has been populated


protected void fetchPrimaryKeys()
Method used to fetch the primary keys of the objects for the given fetch specification. Note the sort orderings for the fetch specification are respected.


public void reset()
Resets the batch iterator so it will refetch it's primary keys again.

Last updated: Do, Dez 9, 2004 • 12:46 PM CET

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