Project Wonder 2.0

Package er.directtoweb

Interface Summary
ERD2WPage.Keys interface for all the keys used in this pages code
ERDBranchDelegateInterface Extension of the NextPageDelegate to provide branch choices from the delegate to the template.
ERDBranchInterface Used in conjunction with ERDBranchDelegateInterface.
ERDComputingAssignmentInterface In the new rule caching system the significant keys are built on the fly.
ERDCustomEditComponent.Keys interface for all the keys used in this pages code
ERDCustomQueryComponent.Keys interface for all the keys used in this pages code
ERDEditPageInterface Small improvements to the EditPageInterface.
ERDErrorPageInterface Extends ErrorPageInterface to provide means to set the actual exception.
ERDFollowPageInterface Interface used for follow page configurations, ie the first page config is an edit and we want an inspect to follow, maybe for the user to look at it before saving.
ERDListPageInterface Extended ListPageInterface so we can get at the displayGroup.
ERDLocalizableAssignmentInterface For localized assignments
ERDMessagePageInterface Super set of all D2W message interfaces, confirm and error.
ERDNextPageDelegate The regular NextPageDelegate interface from d2w has hard coded the return type of WOComponent.
ERDObjectSaverInterface Nice interface implemented by all ER edit pages.
ERDPickPageInterface Formal interface for multiple object selection.
ERDTabEditPageInterface Used to identify tab edit pages, not requiring common superclass.
ERDUserInfoInterface Interface implemented by templates to allow stuff and retriving of transient information.

Class Summary
ERD2WCalendarPage Superclass of all calendar list pages.
ERD2WCalendarPageTemplate Class for DirectToWeb Component ERD2WCalendarPageTemplate.
ERD2WCompactInspectPageTemplate Inspect template that is typically embedded in a page.
ERD2WCompactListPageTemplate Compact list page.
ERD2WConfirmPage Unless you need the special shouldProvideConfirmMessage, one should use ERD2WMessagePage instead
ERD2WConfirmPageTemplate More robust confirm messaging.
ERD2WContainer Used to hold pieces of a tabsSectionsContents, holds either sections or tabs.
ERD2WContextDictionary Converts given entries of a D2WContext with a specified page configuration to a dictionary and to rules again.
ERD2WControllerFactory ERD2WControllerFactory a an enhancement of the D2W factory class with the notion of "Processes".
ERD2WCSVGroupingListPageTemplate Grouping list in CSV format.
ERD2WCSVListPageTemplate Standard list in CSV format.
ERD2WCustomComponentWithArgs Allows custom components to resolve valueForBinding requests in the rules.
ERD2WCustomDisplayBoolean Allows the display of strings instead of Yes/NO or checkboxes for boolean values.
ERD2WCustomEditBoolean Allows editing boolean values based on radio buttons and strings.
ERD2WCustomQueryBoolean Better D2WQueryBoolean, which allows you to sprecify the choices names via a context key, containing the labels in a format like ("Don't care", "Yes", "No") or ("Yes", "No").
ERD2WDirectAction Cool class to automatically create page configurations from URLs.
ERD2WDisplayAddress Displays an address.
ERD2WDisplayConstant For a given key it asks the context for the value.
ERD2WDisplayDateOrNull Displays a date or a null string.
ERD2WDisplayHTML Displays a string with escape html set to false.
ERD2WDisplayImage Displays an image via the src binding.
ERD2WDisplayImageWithUrl Displays a url, where the object-key pair refer to a url
ERD2WDisplayList Used to display a an NSArray of the form "A, B and C", useful for toMany relationships or propertyKeys that return arrays.
ERD2WDisplayNumberWithUnit Same as ERDDisplayNumberWithUnit only subclass is different.
ERD2WDisplayPassword Displays '*********' instead.
ERD2WDisplayString Full blown dislay string with all the bells and whistles.
ERD2WDisplayStringWithLineBreaks Displays string with line breaks.
ERD2WDisplayTextFromHTML Extracts text from html and displays the text.
ERD2WDisplayToManyCustom Allows custom components to be used to display the eos from a toMany.
ERD2WDisplayToManyList Improved toMany display compononent, uses ERListDisplay.
ERD2WDisplayToManyTable Cleaned up some of the formatting on the original toMany table.
ERD2WDisplayToOne Same as original except allows display of noSelectionString if relationship is null.
ERD2WDisplayURL Displays the url in a hyperlink with target set to "_new"
ERD2WDisplayYesNo Displays a boolean as Yes or No.
ERD2WEditableListTemplate List page for editing all items in the list.
ERD2WEditAllowRestrict Edits a boolean with the string Allow/Restrict.
ERD2WEditLargeString Works around an issue in WOText where a null value is transformed into "".
ERD2WEditNumber Common superclass of all ER's edit number components.
ERD2WEditNumberWithUnit Edits a number displaying the unit off of the EOAttributes userInfo.
ERD2WEditOrDefault Generic edit or default value component, uses other components like editNumber or editString.
ERD2WEditPercentage Edits a percentage number with radio buttons.
ERD2WEditString Allows specifing the maxLength for a WOTextField.
ERD2WEditToManyFault Enhanced to-many component, which provides the means to specify which edit-relationship page gets chosen.
ERD2WEditToManyRelationship Improves superclass by adding restrictions on the choices and uses ERXToManyRelationship, thus can handle localization and has better layout options.
ERD2WEditToOneRelationship Improves superclass by adding restrictions on the choices and uses ERXToOneRelationship, thus can handle localization and has better layout options.
ERD2WEditURL Used for editing urls.
ERD2WEditYesNo Edits a boolean with radio buttons and Yes/No
ERD2WFactory Not used at the moment, but shows how it might be used in the future.
ERD2WFlyOverCustomComponent Displays a fly-over that shows a table with hidden property keys.
ERD2WGroupingListPageTemplate Displays a groups of objects grouped by a key.
ERD2WGroupingListXMLPageTemplate Displays a grouped list of eos in an xml template.
ERD2WGroupingPrinterFriendlyListPageTemplate Printer friendly version.
ERD2WInspect !!
ERD2WInspectPage Superclass for all inspecting/editing ERD2W templates.
ERD2WInspectPageTemplate Beefed up inspect page.
ERD2WKeyMapper Useful for remapping keys if say you want to compare two different objects in a compare list.
ERD2WListComparePageTemplate Basicly a list page flipped vertical.
ERD2WListPageTemplate Beefed up list page.
ERD2WListXMLPageTemplate List xml template.
ERD2WMessagePage Superclass for all message pages.
ERD2WMessagePageTemplate Used to present a message to the user with only one option, usually "OK".
ERD2WModel Overhaul of the caching system.
ERD2WModel._PatchedRule Rule class that works around two problems: when you have an assignment class that is not present in the classpath then the model will not load, making for very strange errors.
ERD2WPage Common superclass for all ERD2W templates (except ERD2WEditRelationshipPage).
ERD2WPick Used to select multiple items from a list.
ERD2WPickFromEntities Custom query component that let's the user select from a set of shared eos.
ERD2WPickFromList Custom query component that let's the user select from an arbitrary list.
ERD2WPickListPage Allows the selection of one or more objects from a set of EOs.
ERD2WPickListPageTemplate A basic list but adding the ability to choose an arbitrary number of eos.
ERD2WPickTypePageTemplate Useful for picking the type of something.
ERD2WPopUp Popup used for picking a number.
ERD2WPrinterFriendlyInspectPageTemplate Printer friendly inspect page.
ERD2WPrinterFriendlyListTemplate Printer friendly list page.
ERD2WProgressPage Displays progress by using a ERXLongResponse.Task.
ERD2WProgressPageTemplate Class for DirectToWeb Component ERD2WProgressPageTemplate.
ERD2WPropertyName Used for displaying the propertyName in a template.
ERD2WQuery Same as D2WQuery, except that you can specify the queryBindings in advance.
ERD2WQueryEntitiesPage Page that can query a set of entities.
ERD2WQueryEntitiesPageTemplate Class for DirectToWeb Component ERD2WQueryEntitiesPageTemplate.
ERD2WQueryNonNull Query component for null or non-null.
ERD2WQueryPage Superclass for all query pages.
ERD2WQueryPageTemplate Beefed up query page.
ERD2WQueryPageWithFetchSpecification Query page utilizing fetch specifications.
ERD2WQueryToManyRelationship Same as original but used ERXToOneRelationship and allows you to restrict the objects shown.
ERD2WQueryToOneRelationship Same as original but used ERToOneRelationship.
ERD2WStatelessCustomComponentWithArgs Stateless version of D2WCustomComponentWithArgs.
ERD2WSwitchComponent Rewrite of D2WSwitchComponent to not cache the D2WContext.
ERD2WTabInspectPage Superclass for all tab and wizard pages.
ERD2WTabInspectPageTemplate A tab inspect/edit template.
ERD2WTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship Uses JSTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship to edit the relationship.
ERD2WWizardCreationPageTemplate A wizard inspect/edit template.
ERD2WXMLDisplayNumber xml display component for numbers
ERD2WXMLDisplayString xml display component for strings
ERD2WXMLDisplayToMany xml display component for to many relationships
ERDActionBar Displays a set of buttons and calls the enclosing page's branch delegate with it.
ERDActionButton Abstract superclass for all actions inside of Wonder D2W.
ERDAssignment Abstact super class of most assignments found in the ERDirectToWeb framework.
ERDAttributeRepetition Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDAttributeRepetition.
ERDBannerComponent Shows an image header matching the page.
ERDBranchDelegate The branch delegate is used in conjunction with the ERDMessagePageInterface to allow flexible branching for message pages.
ERDConfigurationAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDefaultConfigurationNameAssignment
ERDConfirmMessage Confirming an action template.
ERDConfirmObjectDelegate Extends ObjectSaverDelegate to provide a confirm page.
ERDConfirmObjectWasSavedDelegate Determines if the user wants the changes saved if so provides a confirm page, if note uses cancel delegate.
ERDCustomComponent Base class of many custom components.
ERDCustomEditComponent Superclass for most of the custom edit components.
ERDCustomQueryComponent Superclass for most custom query components.
ERDCustomQueryComponentWithArgs Correctly handles validation exceptions, plus a bunch of other stuff.
ERDDebuggingHelp Little help component useful for debugging.
ERDDefaultActionAssignment This assignment calculates default actions for the current page
ERDDefaultCancelCreationMessageAssignment Deprecated. use ERDLocalizedAssignment
ERDDefaultConfigurationNameAssignment This assignment calculates default page configuration names for the current entity in the context.
ERDDefaultCustomComponent Default custom component used when componentName = "D2WCustomComponentWithArgs" and custom component was not specified.
ERDDefaultDisplayNameAssignment Beautify the display names for the various keys in D2W a better way.
ERDDefaultEntityNameAssignment Deprecated. for entityName, use ERDDefaultsAssigment, for displayNameForEntity and displayNameForDestinationEntity use ERDDefaultDisplayNameAssigment
ERDDefaultModelAssignment A bunch of methods used for pulling default values from EOModels.
ERDDefaultPropertyNameAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDefaultDisplayNameAssignment
ERDDefaultsAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDefaultModelAssignment
ERDDefaultSectionComponent Displays section name as a string.
ERDDefaultSectionComponentCSV Displays section name for CSV pages.
ERDDefaultSectionComponentPrinterFriendly Displays section name as a string for printer friendly version of the pages.
ERDDefaultsEmbeddedAssignment This assignment calculates default values for embedded page configurations.
ERDDelayedAssignment Crazy assignment used when you actually don't want the computed value cached.
ERDDelayedBooleanAssignment Takes a condition and evalutaes this condition everytime the rule is asked for.
ERDDelayedConditionalAssignment DelayedConditionalAssignment expects a value dictionary that contains the following keys: - qualifierFormat (see EOQualifier for more info) - args: the arguments used by the qualifier format - trueValue: the value used if the condition returns true - falseValue: the value used if the condition returns false To specify a null value for true and false values simply ommit the corresponding key.
ERDDelayedExtraQualifierAssignment Very useful when you want to restrict the things a user can see during searches or in list pages.
ERDDelayedKeyValueAssignment This is an implementation of the KeyValueAssignment implemented as a ERDDelayedAssignment.
ERDDelayedLocalizedAssignment Same as ERDLocalizedAssignment, except that firing is delayed.
ERDDelayedNonNullConditionalAssignment The delayed non-null conditional is a way to provide a branching result from a rule resolution.
ERDDelayedObjectCreationAssignment Assignment used to create objects on the fly.
ERDDelayedRuleAssignment DelayedRuleAssignment expects an array of rules as its value.
ERDDeleteButton Delete button for repetitions.
ERDDeletionDelegate Delete used after confirming a delete action.
ERDDHTMLComponent Rich text edit component.
ERDDisplayImageIfExists Displays an image if it exists.
ERDDisplayMailTo A display mailto component with a number of bindings.
ERDDisplayNumberWithUnit Cool class.
ERDDisplayYearsMonths Displays a number as say 5 years 2 months.
ERDEditButton Nice edit button for editing a toMany relationship in another page.
ERDEditDateJavascript Crazy cool little date picker that uses javascript to pick the date from a little calendar.
ERDEditDatePopup Edits dates with popup lists.
ERDEditDatePopupCommon Common superclass for date editing components.
ERDEditDatePopupOrNull Allows the choice to not specify a date.
ERDEditList Description forthcoming.
ERDEditListButton Nice component used for editing a toMany relationship by taking the user to another page to pick which objects belong in the relationship.
ERDEditOwnedRelationship Crazy component.
ERDEditPassword Provides a edit "password" service.
ERDEditPasswordConfirm Used to edit passwords where when changed the changed value must be confirmed.
ERDEditPasswordConfirmation Provides a "confirm password" service.
ERDEditStringWithChoices Provides a toOne relationship-like component except the value is pushed in as a string.
ERDEditYearsMonths Used to edit a number as if it where a number of years and a number of months.
ERDEmptyListMessage Default component shown when a D2W list is empty.
ERDEmptyPageWrapper Empty page wrapper component.
ERDEntityAssignment Deprecated. use a ERDKeyValueAssignment to a ERDDefaultModelAssigmentwith key entityForPageConfiguration instead
ERDFilterDisplayGroupButton Cool component that can be used in D2W list pages to filter the list, throwing to a D2W query page to restrict.
ERDImageNameAssignment Default way of generating image references for tabs and sections.
ERDInspect Embedded component that can be used for nesting page configurations, ie ERDInspect can be a customComponentName.
ERDInspectPageRepetition Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDInspectPageRepetition.
ERDirectToWeb Principle class of the ERDirectToWeb framework.
ERDIsKindOfEntityQualifier Tests if an object is a kind of an entity.
ERDKeyValueAssignment Piece of crap.
ERDLinkToViewList Generic link component used to view a list.
ERDList Used to edit a toMany relationship by allowing the user to pick the eos that belong in the relationship.
ERDListOrganizer Crazy cool component that allows one to select strings (using arrow buttons), and organize them.
ERDListPageRepetition Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDListPageRepetition.
ERDListPicker Used to pick a string from a list.
ERDLocalizedAssignment This assignment runs it's value through the localizer and evaluates it as a template before returning it.
ERDMassModifyButton Button used to apply one modification to a bunch of objects.
ERDNullQualifier Qualifer used to test if something is null.
ERDObjectSaveDelegate Simple NextPageDelegate implementation that saves the editing context of an enterprise object before returning the next page.
ERDPageDelegate Generic little delegate.
ERDPageNameDelegate NextPageDelegate that takes a given page name and when called creates and returns the given named page.
ERDPrinterButton Handles the switching of the current task to print, which uses the print templates.
ERDPrinterFriendlyWrapper Printer friendly page wrapper.
ERDQualifierTraversal Contains a single method for traversing a network of qualifiers.
ERDQualifierTraversalCallback Basic utility method used when traversing graphs of qualifiers.
ERDQueryDateRangeJavascript Used for building date queries with javascript.
ERDQueryIsContainedInArray Allows you to query for objects that have a one or more of a set of related objects.
ERDQueryPageRepetition Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDQueryPageRepetition.
ERDQueryTwoLevelRelationship Create queries that consist of a drilldown.
ERDQuestionPage Deprecated. subclass ERD2WMessagePage instead, also, the name is wrong
ERDRecoverableErrorPage Deprecated. subclass ERD2WMessagePage instead
ERDRelationshipSortAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDefaultModelAssignment
ERDSectionImage Used to display sections as images instead of text.
ERDSectionText Used to display sections as text.
ERDSelectAllButton Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDSelectAllButton.
ERDSelectButton Select button to display in lists.
ERDSmartAttributeAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDefaultModelAssignment
ERDSmartRelationshipAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDefaultModelAssignment
ERDTabConfigurationAssignment Deprecated. use ERDDefaultConfigurationNameAssignment with key inspectTabConfigurationName
ERDTabDictionaryComputer This class is needed because the original tab dictionary computer does implement the computing interface and as such does not work with the new caching scheme.
ERDTabImage Used to display a tab as text instead of images.
ERDTabSectionsContentsAssignment Assignment used to construct and cache the tab sections containers used with tab insepct pages.
ERDTabText Used to display a tab as text.
ERDTrashcan A better trashcan.
ERDUnitResolverAssignment Used to resolve units off of EOAttributes.
ERDXMLPageWrapper page wrapper in xml.
ERXD2WInspect Uses a the ERD2WSwitchComponent so that this component won't cache the d2w context.
ERXD2WList Same as D2WList but uses ERD2WSwitchComponent so that its context won't be cached in case the page is reused.
ERXD2WPick Embedded component that can be used for nesting a pick inside another page configuration.

Exception Summary
ERDirectToWeb.D2WException Subclass of NSForwardException that can hold a d2wContext.

Last updated: Do, Dez 9, 2004 • 12:46 PM CET

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