Class Summary |
D2WPick |
ERD2WCalendarPage |
Superclass of all calendar list pages. |
ERD2WCalendarPageTemplate |
Class for DirectToWeb Component ERD2WCalendarPageTemplate. |
ERD2WCompactInspectPageTemplate |
Inspect template that is typically embedded in a page. |
ERD2WCompactListPageTemplate |
Compact list page. |
ERD2WConfirmPage |
Unless you need the special shouldProvideConfirmMessage, one should use ERD2WMessagePage instead |
ERD2WConfirmPageTemplate |
More robust confirm messaging. |
ERD2WContainer |
Used to hold pieces of a tabsSectionsContents, holds either sections or tabs. |
ERD2WContextDictionary |
Converts given entries of a D2WContext with a specified page configuration to a dictionary and to rules again. |
ERD2WControllerFactory |
ERD2WControllerFactory a an enhancement of the D2W factory class with the notion of "Processes". |
ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCCore |
ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCCreate |
ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCEdit |
ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCInspect |
ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCQuery |
ERD2WControllerFactory.ERCSingleObject |
ERD2WControllerFactory.ERD2WController |
ERD2WCSVGroupingListPageTemplate |
Grouping list in CSV format. |
ERD2WCSVListPageTemplate |
Standard list in CSV format. |
ERD2WCustomComponentWithArgs |
Allows custom components to resolve valueForBinding requests in the rules. |
ERD2WCustomDisplayBoolean |
Allows the display of strings instead of Yes/NO or checkboxes for boolean values. |
ERD2WCustomEditBoolean |
Allows editing boolean values based on radio buttons and strings. |
ERD2WCustomQueryBoolean |
Better D2WQueryBoolean, which allows you to sprecify the choices names via a context key,
containing the labels in a format like ("Don't care", "Yes", "No") or ("Yes", "No").
ERD2WCustomQueryComponentWithArgs |
ERD2WDebugFlags |
ERD2WDirectAction |
Cool class to automatically create page configurations from URLs. |
ERD2WDisplayAddress |
Displays an address. |
ERD2WDisplayConstant |
For a given key it asks the context for the value. |
ERD2WDisplayDateOrNull |
Displays a date or a null string. |
ERD2WDisplayHTML |
Displays a string with escape html set to false. |
ERD2WDisplayImage |
Displays an image via the src binding. |
ERD2WDisplayImageWithUrl |
Displays a url, where the object-key pair refer to a url
ERD2WDisplayList |
Used to display a an NSArray of the form "A, B and C", useful for toMany relationships or propertyKeys that return arrays. |
ERD2WDisplayNumberWithUnit |
Same as ERDDisplayNumberWithUnit only subclass is different. |
ERD2WDisplayPassword |
Displays '*********' instead. |
ERD2WDisplayString |
Full blown dislay string with all the bells and whistles. |
ERD2WDisplayStringWithLineBreaks |
Displays string with line breaks. |
ERD2WDisplayTextFromHTML |
Extracts text from html and displays the text. |
ERD2WDisplayToManyCustom |
Allows custom components to be used to display the eos from a toMany. |
ERD2WDisplayToManyList |
Improved toMany display compononent, uses ERListDisplay. |
ERD2WDisplayToManyTable |
Cleaned up some of the formatting on the original toMany table. |
ERD2WDisplayToOne |
Same as original except allows display of noSelectionString if relationship is null. |
ERD2WDisplayURL |
Displays the url in a hyperlink with target set to "_new"
ERD2WDisplayYesNo |
Displays a boolean as Yes or No. |
ERD2WEditableListPage |
ERD2WEditableListTemplate |
List page for editing all items in the list. |
ERD2WEditAllowRestrict |
Edits a boolean with the string Allow/Restrict. |
ERD2WEditDateJavascript |
ERD2WEditFlag |
ERD2WEditLargeString |
Works around an issue in WOText where a null value is transformed into "". |
ERD2WEditNumber |
Common superclass of all ER's edit number components. |
ERD2WEditNumberWithUnit |
Edits a number displaying the unit off of the EOAttributes userInfo. |
ERD2WEditOrDefault |
Generic edit or default value component, uses other components like editNumber or editString. |
ERD2WEditOrDefault.ValidationExceptionHolder |
ERD2WEditPercentage |
Edits a percentage number with radio buttons. |
ERD2WEditRelationshipPage |
ERD2WEditSortedManyToManyPage |
ERD2WEditSortedManyToManyPage.CreateNewEODelegate |
ERD2WEditSortedToManyFault |
ERD2WEditString |
Allows specifing the maxLength for a WOTextField. |
ERD2WEditToManyFault |
Enhanced to-many component, which provides the means to specify which edit-relationship page gets chosen. |
ERD2WEditToManyRelationship |
Improves superclass by adding restrictions on the choices and uses ERXToManyRelationship, thus can handle localization
and has better layout options. |
ERD2WEditToOneRelationship |
Improves superclass by adding restrictions on the choices and uses ERXToOneRelationship, thus can handle localization
and has better layout options. |
Used for editing urls. |
ERD2WEditYesNo |
Edits a boolean with radio buttons and Yes/No
ERD2WFactory |
Not used at the moment, but shows how it might be used in the future. |
ERD2WFlyOverCustomComponent |
Displays a fly-over that shows a table with hidden property keys. |
ERD2WGroupingListPage |
ERD2WGroupingListPageTemplate |
Displays a groups of objects grouped by a key. |
ERD2WGroupingListXMLPageTemplate |
Displays a grouped list of eos in an xml template. |
ERD2WGroupingPrinterFriendlyListPageTemplate |
Printer friendly version. |
ERD2WInspect |
!! |
ERD2WInspectPage |
Superclass for all inspecting/editing ERD2W templates. |
ERD2WInspectPageTemplate |
Beefed up inspect page. |
ERD2WKeyMapper |
Useful for remapping keys if say you want to compare two different objects in a compare list. |
ERD2WList |
ERD2WListComparePage |
ERD2WListComparePageTemplate |
Basicly a list page flipped vertical. |
ERD2WListPage |
ERD2WListPageTemplate |
Beefed up list page. |
ERD2WListXMLPage |
ERD2WListXMLPageTemplate |
List xml template. |
ERD2WMessagePage |
Superclass for all message pages. |
ERD2WMessagePageTemplate |
Used to present a message to the user with only one option, usually "OK". |
ERD2WModel |
Overhaul of the caching system. |
ERD2WModel._PatchedRule |
Rule class that works around two problems:
when you have an assignment class that is not present in the classpath
then the model will not load, making for very strange errors. |
ERD2WPage |
Common superclass for all ERD2W templates (except ERD2WEditRelationshipPage). |
ERD2WPick |
Used to select multiple items from a list. |
ERD2WPickFromEntities |
Custom query component that let's the user select from a set of shared eos. |
ERD2WPickFromList |
Custom query component that let's the user select from an arbitrary list. |
ERD2WPickListPage |
Allows the selection of one or more objects from a set of EOs. |
ERD2WPickListPageTemplate |
A basic list but adding the ability to choose an arbitrary number of eos.
ERD2WPickTypePage |
ERD2WPickTypePageTemplate |
Useful for picking the type of something. |
ERD2WPopUp |
Popup used for picking a number. |
ERD2WPrinterFriendlyInspectPageTemplate |
Printer friendly inspect page. |
ERD2WPrinterFriendlyListTemplate |
Printer friendly list page. |
ERD2WProgressPage |
Displays progress by using a ERXLongResponse.Task. |
ERD2WProgressPageTemplate |
Class for DirectToWeb Component ERD2WProgressPageTemplate. |
ERD2WPropertyName |
Used for displaying the propertyName in a template. |
ERD2WQuery |
Same as D2WQuery, except that you can specify the queryBindings in advance. |
ERD2WQueryDateRange |
ERD2WQueryEncryptedString |
ERD2WQueryEntitiesPage |
Page that can query a set of entities.
ERD2WQueryEntitiesPageTemplate |
Class for DirectToWeb Component ERD2WQueryEntitiesPageTemplate. |
ERD2WQueryNonNull |
Query component for null or non-null. |
ERD2WQueryPage |
Superclass for all query pages. |
ERD2WQueryPageTemplate |
Beefed up query page. |
ERD2WQueryPageWithFetchSpecification |
Query page utilizing fetch specifications. |
ERD2WQueryPageWithFetchSpecificationTemplate |
ERD2WQueryStringOperator |
ERD2WQueryToManyRelationship |
Same as original but used ERXToOneRelationship and allows you to restrict the objects shown. |
ERD2WQueryToOneRelationship |
Same as original but used ERToOneRelationship. |
ERD2WStatelessCustomComponentWithArgs |
Stateless version of D2WCustomComponentWithArgs. |
ERD2WSwitchComponent |
Rewrite of D2WSwitchComponent to not cache the D2WContext. |
ERD2WTabInspectPage |
Superclass for all tab and wizard pages. |
ERD2WTabInspectPageTemplate |
A tab inspect/edit template. |
ERD2WTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship |
Uses JSTwoLevelEditToOneRelationship to edit the relationship. |
ERD2WWizardCreationPage |
ERD2WWizardCreationPageTemplate |
A wizard inspect/edit template. |
ERD2WXMLDisplayNumber |
xml display component for numbers
ERD2WXMLDisplayString |
xml display component for strings
ERD2WXMLDisplayToMany |
xml display component for to many relationships
ERDActionBar |
Displays a set of buttons and calls the enclosing page's branch delegate with it.
ERDActionButton |
Abstract superclass for all actions inside of Wonder D2W. |
ERDAssignment |
Abstact super class of most assignments found in
the ERDirectToWeb framework. |
ERDAttributeRepetition |
Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDAttributeRepetition. |
ERDBannerComponent |
Shows an image header matching the page. |
ERDBranchDelegate |
The branch delegate is used in conjunction with the
ERDMessagePageInterface to allow
flexible branching for message pages. |
ERDConfigurationAssignment |
Deprecated. use ERDDefaultConfigurationNameAssignment |
ERDConfirmMessage |
Confirming an action template. |
ERDConfirmObjectDelegate |
Extends ObjectSaverDelegate to provide a confirm page. |
ERDConfirmObjectWasSavedDelegate |
Determines if the user wants the changes saved if so provides a confirm page, if note uses cancel delegate. |
ERDCustomComponent |
Base class of many custom components. |
ERDCustomEditComponent |
Superclass for most of the custom edit components. |
ERDCustomQueryComponent |
Superclass for most custom query components. |
ERDCustomQueryComponentWithArgs |
Correctly handles validation exceptions, plus a bunch of other stuff. |
ERDDebuggingHelp |
Little help component useful for debugging. |
ERDDefaultActionAssignment |
This assignment calculates default actions for the current page |
ERDDefaultCancelCreationMessageAssignment |
Deprecated. use ERDLocalizedAssignment |
ERDDefaultConfigurationNameAssignment |
This assignment calculates default page configuration
names for the current entity in the context. |
ERDDefaultCustomComponent |
Default custom component used when componentName = "D2WCustomComponentWithArgs" and custom component was not specified. |
ERDDefaultDisplayNameAssignment |
Beautify the display names for the various keys in D2W a better way. |
ERDDefaultEntityNameAssignment |
Deprecated. for entityName, use ERDDefaultsAssigment, for displayNameForEntity and displayNameForDestinationEntity use ERDDefaultDisplayNameAssigment |
ERDDefaultModelAssignment |
A bunch of methods used for pulling default values from EOModels. |
ERDDefaultPropertyNameAssignment |
Deprecated. use ERDDefaultDisplayNameAssignment |
ERDDefaultsAssignment |
Deprecated. use ERDDefaultModelAssignment |
ERDDefaultSectionComponent |
Displays section name as a string. |
ERDDefaultSectionComponentCSV |
Displays section name for CSV pages. |
ERDDefaultSectionComponentPrinterFriendly |
Displays section name as a string for printer friendly version of the pages. |
ERDDefaultsEmbeddedAssignment |
This assignment calculates default values for
embedded page configurations. |
ERDDelayedAssignment |
Crazy assignment used when you actually don't want the computed value cached. |
ERDDelayedBooleanAssignment |
Takes a condition and evalutaes this condition everytime the rule is asked for. |
ERDDelayedConditionalAssignment |
DelayedConditionalAssignment expects a value dictionary that contains the
following keys:
- qualifierFormat (see EOQualifier for more info)
- args: the arguments used by the qualifier format
- trueValue: the value used if the condition returns true
- falseValue: the value used if the condition returns false
To specify a null value for true and false values simply ommit the
corresponding key.
ERDDelayedExtraQualifierAssignment |
Very useful when you want to restrict the things a user can see during searches or in list pages. |
ERDDelayedKeyValueAssignment |
This is an implementation of the KeyValueAssignment
implemented as a ERDDelayedAssignment . |
ERDDelayedLocalizedAssignment |
Same as ERDLocalizedAssignment , except that firing is delayed. |
ERDDelayedNonNullConditionalAssignment |
The delayed non-null conditional is a way to provide a
branching result from a rule resolution. |
ERDDelayedObjectCreationAssignment |
Assignment used to create objects on the fly. |
ERDDelayedRuleAssignment |
DelayedRuleAssignment expects an array of rules as its value. |
ERDDelayedSwitchAssignment |
ERDDeleteButton |
Delete button for repetitions. |
ERDDeletionDelegate |
Delete used after confirming a delete action. |
ERDDHTMLComponent |
Rich text edit component. |
ERDDisplayImageIfExists |
Displays an image if it exists. |
ERDDisplayMailTo |
A display mailto component with a number of bindings. |
ERDDisplayNumberWithUnit |
Cool class. |
ERDDisplayYearsMonths |
Displays a number as say 5 years 2 months. |
ERDEditButton |
Nice edit button for editing a toMany relationship in another page. |
ERDEditDateJavascript |
Crazy cool little date picker that uses javascript to pick the date from a little calendar. |
ERDEditDatePopup |
Edits dates with popup lists. |
ERDEditDatePopupCommon |
Common superclass for date editing components. |
ERDEditDatePopupOrNull |
Allows the choice to not specify a date. |
ERDEditList |
Description forthcoming. |
ERDEditListButton |
Nice component used for editing a toMany relationship by taking the user to another page to pick which objects belong in the relationship. |
ERDEditOwnedRelationship |
Crazy component. |
ERDEditOwnedRelationship.EOCreationMultipleChoice |
ERDEditPassword |
Provides a edit "password" service. |
ERDEditPasswordConfirm |
Used to edit passwords where when changed the changed value must be confirmed. |
ERDEditPasswordConfirmation |
Provides a "confirm password" service. |
ERDEditStringWithChoices |
Provides a toOne relationship-like component except the value is pushed in as a string. |
ERDEditYearsMonths |
Used to edit a number as if it where a number of years and a number of months. |
ERDEmptyListMessage |
Default component shown when a D2W list is empty. |
ERDEmptyPageWrapper |
Empty page wrapper component. |
ERDEntityAssignment |
Deprecated. use a ERDKeyValueAssignment to a ERDDefaultModelAssigmentwith key entityForPageConfiguration instead |
ERDFilterDisplayGroupButton |
Cool component that can be used in D2W list pages to filter the list, throwing to a D2W query page to restrict. |
ERDFilterDisplayGroupButton._FilterDelegate |
ERDImageNameAssignment |
Default way of generating image references for tabs and sections. |
ERDInspect |
Embedded component that can be used for nesting page configurations, ie ERDInspect can be a customComponentName. |
ERDInspectButton |
ERDInspectPageRepetition |
Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDInspectPageRepetition. |
ERDInstanceCreationAssignment |
ERDirectToWeb |
Principle class of the ERDirectToWeb framework.
ERDirectToWeb._Observer |
ERDirectToWeb.Observer |
ERDIsKindOfEntityQualifier |
Tests if an object is a kind of an entity. |
ERDKeyValueAssignment |
Piece of crap. |
ERDLinkToViewList |
Generic link component used to view a list. |
ERDList |
Used to edit a toMany relationship by allowing the user to pick the eos that belong in the relationship. |
ERDListOrganizer |
Crazy cool component that allows one to select strings (using arrow buttons), and organize them. |
ERDListPageRepetition |
Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDListPageRepetition. |
ERDListPicker |
Used to pick a string from a list. |
ERDLocalizedAssignment |
This assignment runs it's value through the localizer and evaluates
it as a template before returning it. |
ERDLocalizedMessageAssignment |
ERDMassModifyButton |
Button used to apply one modification to a bunch of objects. |
ERDNullQualifier |
Qualifer used to test if something is null. |
ERDObjectSaveDelegate |
Simple NextPageDelegate
implementation that saves the editing context of an enterprise
object before returning the next page. |
ERDObjectWasCreatedDelegate |
ERDPageDelegate |
Generic little delegate. |
ERDPageNameDelegate |
NextPageDelegate that takes a given page name and when called creates and returns the given named page. |
ERDPrinterButton |
Handles the switching of the current task to print, which uses the print templates. |
ERDPrinterFriendlyWrapper |
Printer friendly page wrapper. |
ERDQualifierTraversal |
Contains a single method for traversing
a network of qualifiers. |
ERDQualifierTraversalCallback |
Basic utility method used when traversing graphs
of qualifiers. |
ERDQueryDateRangeJavascript |
Used for building date queries with javascript. |
ERDQueryIsContainedInArray |
Allows you to query for objects that have a one or more of a set of related objects.
ERDQueryPageRepetition |
Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDQueryPageRepetition. |
ERDQueryTwoLevelRelationship |
Create queries that consist of a drilldown.
ERDQuestionPage |
Deprecated. subclass ERD2WMessagePage instead, also, the name is wrong |
ERDRecoverableErrorPage |
Deprecated. subclass ERD2WMessagePage instead |
ERDRelationshipSortAssignment |
Deprecated. use ERDDefaultModelAssignment |
ERDSectionImage |
Used to display sections as images instead of text. |
ERDSectionText |
Used to display sections as text. |
ERDSelectAllButton |
Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDSelectAllButton. |
ERDSelectButton |
Select button to display in lists. |
ERDSmartAttributeAssignment |
Deprecated. use ERDDefaultModelAssignment |
ERDSmartRelationshipAssignment |
Deprecated. use ERDDefaultModelAssignment |
ERDSortedManyToManyAssignment |
ERDTabConfigurationAssignment |
Deprecated. use ERDDefaultConfigurationNameAssignment with key inspectTabConfigurationName |
ERDTabDictionaryComputer |
This class is needed because the original tab
dictionary computer does implement the computing
interface and as such does not work with the
new caching scheme. |
ERDTabImage |
Used to display a tab as text instead of images. |
ERDTabSectionsContentsAssignment |
Assignment used to construct and cache the
tab sections containers used with tab insepct
pages. |
ERDTabText |
Used to display a tab as text. |
ERDTrashcan |
A better trashcan. |
ERDUnitResolverAssignment |
Used to resolve units off of EOAttributes. |
ERDXMLPageWrapper |
page wrapper in xml. |
ERXD2WInspect |
Uses a the ERD2WSwitchComponent so that this component won't cache the d2w context. |
ERXD2WList |
Same as D2WList but uses ERD2WSwitchComponent so that its context won't be cached in case the page is reused. |
ERXD2WPick |
Embedded component that can be used for nesting a pick inside another page configuration. |
KeyValueCodingProtectedAccessor |