Project Wonder 2.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ERXExceptionHolder

Uses of ERXExceptionHolder in er.directtoweb

Classes in er.directtoweb that implement ERXExceptionHolder
 class ERD2WCalendarPage
          Superclass of all calendar list pages.
 class ERD2WCalendarPageTemplate
          Class for DirectToWeb Component ERD2WCalendarPageTemplate.
 class ERD2WCompactInspectPageTemplate
          Inspect template that is typically embedded in a page.
 class ERD2WCompactListPageTemplate
          Compact list page.
 class ERD2WConfirmPage
          Unless you need the special shouldProvideConfirmMessage, one should use ERD2WMessagePage instead
 class ERD2WConfirmPageTemplate
          More robust confirm messaging.
 class ERD2WCSVGroupingListPageTemplate
          Grouping list in CSV format.
 class ERD2WCSVListPageTemplate
          Standard list in CSV format.
 class ERD2WCustomComponentWithArgs
          Allows custom components to resolve valueForBinding requests in the rules.
 class ERD2WCustomQueryComponentWithArgs
 class ERD2WDisplayList
          Used to display a an NSArray of the form "A, B and C", useful for toMany relationships or propertyKeys that return arrays.
 class ERD2WEditableListPage
 class ERD2WEditableListTemplate
          List page for editing all items in the list.
 class ERD2WEditDateJavascript
 class ERD2WEditSortedManyToManyPage
 class ERD2WGroupingListPage
 class ERD2WGroupingListPageTemplate
          Displays a groups of objects grouped by a key.
 class ERD2WGroupingListXMLPageTemplate
          Displays a grouped list of eos in an xml template.
 class ERD2WGroupingPrinterFriendlyListPageTemplate
          Printer friendly version.
 class ERD2WInspect
 class ERD2WInspectPage
          Superclass for all inspecting/editing ERD2W templates.
 class ERD2WInspectPageTemplate
          Beefed up inspect page.
 class ERD2WList
 class ERD2WListComparePage
 class ERD2WListComparePageTemplate
          Basicly a list page flipped vertical.
 class ERD2WListPage
 class ERD2WListPageTemplate
          Beefed up list page.
 class ERD2WListXMLPage
 class ERD2WListXMLPageTemplate
          List xml template.
 class ERD2WMessagePage
          Superclass for all message pages.
 class ERD2WMessagePageTemplate
          Used to present a message to the user with only one option, usually "OK".
 class ERD2WPage
          Common superclass for all ERD2W templates (except ERD2WEditRelationshipPage).
 class ERD2WPick
          Used to select multiple items from a list.
 class ERD2WPickFromEntities
          Custom query component that let's the user select from a set of shared eos.
 class ERD2WPickFromList
          Custom query component that let's the user select from an arbitrary list.
 class ERD2WPickListPage
          Allows the selection of one or more objects from a set of EOs.
 class ERD2WPickListPageTemplate
          A basic list but adding the ability to choose an arbitrary number of eos.
 class ERD2WPickTypePage
 class ERD2WPickTypePageTemplate
          Useful for picking the type of something.
 class ERD2WPrinterFriendlyInspectPageTemplate
          Printer friendly inspect page.
 class ERD2WPrinterFriendlyListTemplate
          Printer friendly list page.
 class ERD2WProgressPage
          Displays progress by using a ERXLongResponse.Task.
 class ERD2WProgressPageTemplate
          Class for DirectToWeb Component ERD2WProgressPageTemplate.
 class ERD2WQueryEntitiesPage
          Page that can query a set of entities.
 class ERD2WQueryEntitiesPageTemplate
          Class for DirectToWeb Component ERD2WQueryEntitiesPageTemplate.
 class ERD2WQueryPage
          Superclass for all query pages.
 class ERD2WQueryPageTemplate
          Beefed up query page.
 class ERD2WQueryPageWithFetchSpecification
          Query page utilizing fetch specifications.
 class ERD2WQueryPageWithFetchSpecificationTemplate
 class ERD2WStatelessCustomComponentWithArgs
          Stateless version of D2WCustomComponentWithArgs.
 class ERD2WTabInspectPage
          Superclass for all tab and wizard pages.
 class ERD2WTabInspectPageTemplate
          A tab inspect/edit template.
 class ERD2WWizardCreationPage
 class ERD2WWizardCreationPageTemplate
          A wizard inspect/edit template.
 class ERDActionBar
          Displays a set of buttons and calls the enclosing page's branch delegate with it.
 class ERDActionButton
          Abstract superclass for all actions inside of Wonder D2W.
 class ERDAttributeRepetition
          Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDAttributeRepetition.
 class ERDBannerComponent
          Shows an image header matching the page.
 class ERDConfirmMessage
          Confirming an action template.
 class ERDCustomComponent
          Base class of many custom components.
 class ERDCustomEditComponent
          Superclass for most of the custom edit components.
 class ERDCustomQueryComponent
          Superclass for most custom query components.
 class ERDCustomQueryComponentWithArgs
          Correctly handles validation exceptions, plus a bunch of other stuff.
 class ERDDeleteButton
          Delete button for repetitions.
 class ERDDHTMLComponent
          Rich text edit component.
 class ERDDisplayImageIfExists
          Displays an image if it exists.
 class ERDDisplayMailTo
          A display mailto component with a number of bindings.
 class ERDDisplayNumberWithUnit
          Cool class.
 class ERDDisplayYearsMonths
          Displays a number as say 5 years 2 months.
 class ERDEditButton
          Nice edit button for editing a toMany relationship in another page.
 class ERDEditDateJavascript
          Crazy cool little date picker that uses javascript to pick the date from a little calendar.
 class ERDEditDatePopup
          Edits dates with popup lists.
 class ERDEditDatePopupCommon
          Common superclass for date editing components.
 class ERDEditDatePopupOrNull
          Allows the choice to not specify a date.
 class ERDEditList
          Description forthcoming.
 class ERDEditListButton
          Nice component used for editing a toMany relationship by taking the user to another page to pick which objects belong in the relationship.
 class ERDEditOwnedRelationship
          Crazy component.
 class ERDEditPassword
          Provides a edit "password" service.
 class ERDEditPasswordConfirm
          Used to edit passwords where when changed the changed value must be confirmed.
 class ERDEditPasswordConfirmation
          Provides a "confirm password" service.
 class ERDEditStringWithChoices
          Provides a toOne relationship-like component except the value is pushed in as a string.
 class ERDEditYearsMonths
          Used to edit a number as if it where a number of years and a number of months.
 class ERDEmptyListMessage
          Default component shown when a D2W list is empty.
 class ERDFilterDisplayGroupButton
          Cool component that can be used in D2W list pages to filter the list, throwing to a D2W query page to restrict.
 class ERDInspect
          Embedded component that can be used for nesting page configurations, ie ERDInspect can be a customComponentName.
 class ERDInspectButton
 class ERDInspectPageRepetition
          Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDInspectPageRepetition.
 class ERDLinkToViewList
          Generic link component used to view a list.
 class ERDList
          Used to edit a toMany relationship by allowing the user to pick the eos that belong in the relationship.
 class ERDListOrganizer
          Crazy cool component that allows one to select strings (using arrow buttons), and organize them.
 class ERDListPageRepetition
          Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDListPageRepetition.
 class ERDListPicker
          Used to pick a string from a list.
 class ERDPrinterButton
          Handles the switching of the current task to print, which uses the print templates.
 class ERDQueryDateRangeJavascript
          Used for building date queries with javascript.
 class ERDQueryIsContainedInArray
          Allows you to query for objects that have a one or more of a set of related objects.
 class ERDQueryPageRepetition
          Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDQueryPageRepetition.
 class ERDQueryTwoLevelRelationship
          Create queries that consist of a drilldown.
 class ERDQuestionPage
          Deprecated. subclass ERD2WMessagePage instead, also, the name is wrong
 class ERDRecoverableErrorPage
          Deprecated. subclass ERD2WMessagePage instead
 class ERDSectionImage
          Used to display sections as images instead of text.
 class ERDSectionText
          Used to display sections as text.
 class ERDSelectAllButton
          Class for DirectToWeb Component ERDSelectAllButton.
 class ERDSelectButton
          Select button to display in lists.
 class ERDTabText
          Used to display a tab as text.
 class ERDTrashcan
          A better trashcan.

Last updated: Do, Dez 9, 2004 • 12:46 PM CET

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